Totopos y Popotes

Today's song combines the power of growth mindset affirmations with the joy music fundamentals! Specifically solfege.  I think you're going to like it.  You'll also enjoy our Hispanic Heritage Month game "Instrument or Food" that celebrates those aspects of Latinx traditions.  And maybe you'll even enjoy a movement game that promotes spatial relations and body awareness.  Maybe not! Only one way to find play :)

Trivia - Instrument or Food - A Hispanic Heritage Month quiz for kids about Latinx music and foods. I say a word, you guess if you'd prefer to eat it or play it. ✪

Call and Response / Echo Song - That's So Mi - Who couldn't use a little music for kids that introduces the concept Sol Sol Mi solfege while having kids recite positive affirmations? It's social emotional learning (SEL) combined with music fundamentals and it's fun to sing too. ✪

Time to Move - Two Part Show - This movement activity for kids develops the dance concepts of spatial relations and body awareness through play. This can be used in classrooms with preschoolers through early elementary students. ✪

We hope you enjoy our music and games for preschoolers, kindergarteners and early elementary age kids! It's like a music lesson for your commute to school.

✪✪✪ FAMILIES BELONG - the new board book from Dan Saks available from Penguin Random House ✪✪✪


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✪ Want to add your voice to the Noodle Loaf choir?
The echo song and instructions are here:
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Like an Overjoyed Seal


Funky Shades