Echo Songs: Vol. 2

A new collection of family friendly singalong echo songs as heard on the Noodle Loaf podcast. Enjoy these music educator created repeat after me style songs that include songs about nature, songs about dinosaurs, songs about neurodiversity, songs about family, songs about clean up time and more! Echo songs are a great resource for anyone looking for fun music for kids. They are beloved by music educators for their ability to allow kids to sing along the first time they hear a song and to appreciate the sound of their own voices.


Echo Songs: Vol. 1

Twenty Noodlino favorite echo songs from the podcast. Echo songs are perfect for family sing alongs, classrooms, camps, campfires, campesinos, casinos, cousins, couples, coups, cups, caps and kids who like fun songs. If you like songs about friends, songs about messes, songs about unicorns, songs about magic, songs about healthy eating, songs about bears or songs about snuggling then you have found the perfect album of children’s music for you! Congrats! You are now able to sing along with these repeat after me songs and learn some music fundamentals like pitch and rhythm in the process!

Oh Let Us Sing!: Black History Echo Songs

A 5 song EP of echo songs about these important figures from Black history in America:

  • Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

  • James Baldwin

  • Harriet Tubman

  • Dr. Mae Jemison

  • Major Taylor