We're trying something new here at Noodle Loaf.  Something that is unique to the medium of podcasting.  We're inviting all our kid listeners to be part of our theme song.  It's not a one time thing.  It's a gradual build.  One voice here, one voice there until we have the podcast world's biggest, greatest and most certainly, cutest choir around.  Here's how it works:

1. Have your child listen to the theme song with the echo already in there:

We Sing The Theme Song

2. Use 2 devices (phones, tablets or computers) to record your child singing along to this version of the theme song:

You Sing The Theme Song

Device 1: Your child listens to the song using headphones.
Device 2: Using "Voice Notes" or another recording app, record your child singing the echo parts of the song.

In other words:


Be sure to find someplace quiet to do the recording.  

Send your recording to noodleloafshow@gmail.com and include where you live and your child's first name (unless you don't want that on the show).

Then just sit back and wait for their voice to show up in an upcoming episode!